How to Do Math in Google Sheets [Complete Guide 2023]

How to do Math in Google Sheets 25
Key Takeaways: How to Do Math in Google Sheets

To Perform Math in Google Sheets

  1. Start a formula by typing = in the cell.
  2. Type MINUS( and enter the numbers or cell references you want to subtract, separated by a comma.
  3. Close the function with a ).
  4. Press Enter, and the cell will display the difference between the entered values.


  1. Click on the cell where you want the result.
  2. Start a formula by typing = in the cell.
  3. Type SUM( and enter the numbers or cell ranges you want to sum, separated by commas.
  4. Close the function with a ).
  5. Press Enter, and the cell will display the total sum of the provided values.

Hi. In this article, we will learn how to do math in Google Sheets. As we all know Google Sheets is used for computations and calculations using formulas, functions, and many other calculations. There is a big connection between Google Sheets with math, and a person who knows math would be more familiar with Google Sheets calculations and computation. As Google Sheets used basic math rules to perform tasks. So, today we will learn how to do math in Google Sheets.

Importance of doing Math in Google Sheets

Google Sheets is primarily used for mathematics, calculations, and computations. We use formulas with math rules, and functions with math rules, and if we want to perform a direct calculation then we use math rules. So, math has a basic connection with Sheets, and it seems like without basic Math you cannot perform good calculations and desired computations.

So that’s, ‘s why we need to learn how to do math in Google Sheets. Today, in this article, I will teach you some basic math functions, some functions that are said to be the basic math operations along with SUM, MUL, and DIVIDE, and we have more functions that are frequently used to perform math. So, today we will see various functions and their example usages. Now, let’s get started with the step-by-step procedure.

How to Do Math in Google Sheets?

So there are so many math-related functions in Google Sheets, and before that, we have some typical math rules, so first we will see some basic math rules, and then we will learn various functions and apply them to see how they work.

Basic Math Rules

In this section, we will learn how to do math in Google Sheets, and we will see basic math rules in Google Sheets, although we have functions, and use them for general purposes we dont need to have math skills. We can follow the syntax and pass values in it separated with commas, but sometimes, we need to have some dynamic things inside the function, and we have to use math to define our logic, so it’s important to understand some basic math rules in Google Sheets.

Rule 1

We can perform direct math in Google Sheets without using a formula or function. Google Sheets allow us to directly write numbers and perform basic calculations between them.

How to do Math in Google Sheets 1

But the syntax must be started with the = equal sign, so Google Sheets know that you want to perform some math

Rule 2

When wiring a direct math syntax, you must see the color of the text you are writing, if you are writing numbers, they will be blue, but if you pass an alphabet within the syntax, it will be black colored.

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Rule 3

If you have more than one operator within a single syntax, then you must know the order preference rules of Google Sheets.

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Normally Google Sheets follow the DMAS rules. Divide, Multiply, Add, and Subtract but in case you have more operators like brackets and powers, then the order preference will be PEDMAS, Parentheses, Exponent, Divide, Multiply, Add, and Subtract.

  • P (Parentheses)
  • E (Exponents)
  • D (Division)
  • M (Multiplication)
  • A (Addition)
  • S (Subtraction)

An example of the above rule is


First Parentheses,












So, this is how this order preference rule works.

Rule 4

Some basic math operations in Google Sheets are:

  • Plus sign (+)  ~  Addition
  • Minus sign (-)  ~  Subtraction
  • Asterisk (*)  ~  Multiplication
  • Forward Slash (/)  ~  Division
  • Carrot (^)  ~  Exponent

Functions for the basic math operations are:

=ADD(): Addition

=MINUS(): Subtraction

=MULTIPLY(): Multiplication

=DIVIDE(): Division

=SUM(): Summing

=POWER(): Exponent / Power

=SQRT(): Square Root

Rule 5

We can concatenate numbers together, cell references, together, and cell references + numbers. Now, plus means they can be together with any operation defined in Rule 4.

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Rule 6

Functions can have more functions inside them, and then further can have more functions, so there is no problem using a syntax similar to the one below.

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How to do Math in Google Sheets – Basic Math Functions

Now, since we have seen the basic math rules in Google Sheets. Now we need to know the basic math functions to use them in our calculations and computations. We don’t use direct math operations such as =10+5. Instead, we use Functions, they are more accurate and faster, so we will see how to use these functions for performing basic math in Google Sheets.

Math Function 1


ADD is an addition function in Google Sheets, we can use this function to add two numbers or two cell ranges.

Sample Usage



It takes only two mandatory arguments and performs addition between them.

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Math Function 2


The MINUS function is normally used for subtraction, it gives the difference between two numbers.

Sample Usage



It takes only two mandatory arguments and performs subtraction of them, it can also return a negative value if the difference between 2 numbers is negative.

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Math Function 3


The MULTIPLY function is used to perform the multiplication of numbers or cell references having numeric values.

Sample Usage



It takes only two arguments and performs multiplication between them, both multiplicands can be the same or different signed values.

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Math Function 4


The DIVIDE function is used for the division of numbers or cell references.

Sample Usage



It takes only two arguments, the first is the dividend, and the second is the devisor. It can also take both negative and positive values.

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Math Function 5


SUM is also used for addition, but it can also take a series of numbers or cell references, and has no limit on the variables, unlike ADD function.

Sample Usage




It takes multiple arguments, can also take a cell range, and performs a sum on the entire range, or values.

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Math Function 6


The POWER function is used for calculating the POWER of a given base number and power value.

Sample Usage




It takes only two mandatory variables, the first is the base, and the second is the power, and then calculates the power for the given base number.

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Math Function 7


SQRT function is used for calculating the square root of a positive number.

Sample Usage



It takes only 1 mandatory argument, which is a positive value, and returns the positive square root of it.

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Math Function 8


AVERAGE is used for calculating the average value of a given range.

Sample Usage



It takes multiple arguments, cell ranges, and values, and calculates the average value from the dataset provided. The average function can take a maximum of 30 arguments.

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Math Function 9


FLOOR.MATH is used to convert a floating-point number into an absolute number and converts a number to its first-floor value.

Sample Usage




FLOOR.MATH(-26.2, 10, 1)

It takes one mandatory and two optional arguments, and normally it returns a rounded-to-floor value for the given number.

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Math Function 10


CEILING.MATH is used to convert a floating-point number into an absolute number and converts a number to its first-ceiling value.

Sample Usage



CEILING.MATH(-26.2, 10, 1)

It takes one mandatory and two optional arguments and returns a rounded-to-ceil value for a given number.

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Math Function 11


ABS is used to simply converts a non-absolute number into an absolute number based on the value.

Sample Usage



It takes a value and returns an absolute value for it, note that it does not remove the floating points from a number, see the below example:

  • ABS(-6/2)

Answer = 3

  • ABS(-10.22)

Answer = 10.22

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Math Function 12


EQ function is used to compare two numbers.

Sample Usage



It takes two values and compares the second value with the first value to check for equality. It returns TRUE if both are equal, and false if both are not equal.

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How to do Math in Google Sheets 18

Math Function 13


EVEN function is used to convert a number into its nearest even function

Sample Usage




It takes a single argument and returns the nearest even number

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Math Function 14


The UMINUS function is used to convert a number to its reversed sign

Sample Usage



It takes a single value and returns it with a reversed sign.

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Math Function 15


UNICODE function is used to return a numeric value of a String

Sample Usage




It takes any String or number and returns a number for it based on Unicode.

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Math Function 16


CONCAT function is used to combine two values either of different data types.

Sample Usage



It takes two arguments of any data type and simply concat them together to make a new value.

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Math Function 17


The ODD function is used to return a nearest odd value of a passed even number.

Sample Usage




It takes a single argument and returns the nearest odd number

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Math Function 18


MIN function is used to return a minimum value from a given dataset.

Sample Usage



It’s an aggregate function and it takes multiple numbers, values, and ranges, and then returns the minimum value from it. It can also take a maximum of 30 arguments.

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Math Function 19


MAX function is used to return a maximum value from a given dataset.

Sample Usage



It also works the same as the MIN function, but it returns the maximum value from the given dataset.

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Math Function 20


The COUNT function is used to COUNT non-empty cells of the passed data range.

Sample Usage



It takes multiple values, numbers, or cell ranges, and returns a total count of the values as a number. It’s also an aggregate function so it can take up to 30 arguments.

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Important Notes

  • All functions can be used within others, a function that only takes a single input then it can be used with an ARRAYFORMULA function.
  • Functions have fixed allowed variables and mandatory and optional arguments.
  • If you are using a combination of so many functions so they must be logically correct to be considered valid functions.
  • Different Data Types cannot be operated like similar data types using arithmetic functions like Addition, Minus, Multiplication, and Division.
  • The above-stated functions are not fixed Math related functions by Google Sheets. There can be more functions regarding math, and functions keep on adding from time to time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use the Same Formula for Calculations in Google Forms and Google Sheets?

When applying calculations in google forms, keep in mind that it has limited capabilities compared to Google Sheets. However, by utilizing add-ons or scripts, you can extend its functionality. So while the formulas may not be identical, you can achieve similar outcomes in both platforms.


Congratulations you are here. I am happy to see you here as you finished the most optimal tutorial on how to do math in Google Sheets. We discussed what is math and how to perform mathematical calculations, and computations in Google Sheets using native functions, direct formulas, and custom formulas. We tried to cover some most commonly and frequently used math-related functions in Google Sheets.

I hope you like the above article, and now you have more confidence while working with math in Google Sheets. Thank you and keep learning with Office Demy.

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M. Shaiq Ansari

Hi, I am Shaiq, I am a highly skilled technical writer working full-time for Office Demy. I am specialized in Google Workspace and Microsoft Office applications. With a background in Software Engineering, I possess a deep understanding of the intricate functionalities and features of these productivity tools. Connect me on Linkedin
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