How Does Linear Scale Work in Google Forms [Complete Guide]

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Key Takeaways: How Does Linear Scale Work in Google Forms

To Work with Linear Scale in Google Forms

  1. Design your form and choose “Linear Scale” as the question type.
  2. Set the scale’s start and end points and optionally add images.
  3. Preview the form to see how it looks.

Google Forms provide us with lots of features that are used in data collection and processing of data. One of these features is linear scale.

Whenever it is required to express how you would rate the product or services of a certain place, we need to set a pool to rate it from and all comparisons can’t exceed that pool. Linear scale provides us with that criteria pool to set for these types of ratings.

What is a Linear Scale?

There are different definitions for linear scale in different fields of study. In Google Forms, linear scale question type allows the respondents to rate the question from a given scale which may start at 0 or 1. Linear scale in Google Forms can be ended on 2 or 10 but It should be a whole number. We can also set labels on each end of scale.

Why do we need Linear Scale in Google Forms?

Google Forms has been our partner for data collection through questionnaires and surveys for a long time. We also use it for quizzes and order forms as well. Linear scale allows the users or respondents to rate the questions which can be utilized for multiple scenarios.

We can simply say that linear scale in Google Forms allows us to numerically rate different scenarios according to respondents.

How does linear scale work in Google Forms?

We will learn about linear scale today and how linear scale works in Google Forms. Linear scales are mostly used to rate the question. Let’s try it with different scenarios in Google Forms.

Create a Google Form

Step 1: Login into Google Account.

The first step is to login into our Google Account to use google services because without logging in, Google won’t allow the use of Google Forms and such. It will prompt us to login or make account for it.

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We can directly make an account from here or login to our account if we already have one and go to Forms.

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Our account display profile picture can also be used to see which account we are logged in with and if it’s needed to switch, we can switch before starting our form and avoid the risk of losing our work.

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Step 2: Design Google Form.

We have to design our Google Form and add questions accordingly, we will use different scenarios that’s why we will choose a blank form and use different scenarios in it.

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Make a Linear Scale for Product Satisfaction in Google Forms

Upon selection of blank form, we get blank form and have to add all questions and possible answers. We are learning about linear scale question type so let’s choose linear scale in question type by clicking on the question type as:

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We will have to switch question types if our situation needs it. Normally multiple choice is selected as the default question type.

We will choose Linear Scale as the question type as:

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Once we have selected a linear scale, we can choose the start and end of the scale.

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Start and end of the scale can be adjusted according to our requirements. For the sake of learning, let’s change the ending to 10. Light colored number (box) is already selected and we can click our desired number to change it as:

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We can also add labels for both ends on our scale. Let’s try that with product rating or review on a linear scale.

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Add picture in Linear Scale in Google Form

Some may ask how did I add picture in linear scale, we can add pictures in linear scale by clicking on the picture icon beside the question as:

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This icon will pop up a menu. Using the menu, we can select the picture to add in this question. Pictures can be selected from various sections like webcam, computer storage or photos in Google Account, etc. 

Let us browse the picture from our device as:

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We may also drag and drop pictures from the desktop or use Google Drive as well.

Preview the Linear Scale in Google Form

We can test in linear scale using different scenarios to understand it further. Above beauty product rating linear scale question will be shown to respondents like this:

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The thing to note here is, respondents can only select one rating for this question as shown above. Then, they will submit the form.

Linear Scale as Math Quiz in Google Form

Linear scale in Math quizzes can be used as:

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Or using a similar scenario of Math quiz, we can use the linear scale as:

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Using Linear Scale in Medical Scenario in Google Form

Some medical institutes or pharmacies use linear scale to assess the effectiveness of procedures and medicines like:

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Usually patients are required to fill in these sorts of forms before leaving the hospital after the procedure. This helps the doctors to understand the effectiveness of the procedure on different patients.

Things To Remember

  • Google Form owners can use Linear Scale question type under many different scenarios.
  • Linear Scale takes a start and end of scale number from the form owner and represents all the integers in between that number.
  • Linear Scale question type is usually used to take ratings from the consumers of the products.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a picture in Linear Scale questions in Google Forms?

Yes, You can use a picture in the Linear Scale question. This way, it will be easier to show the respondents what they are being asked about. And so, they can give their response in the form of rating in Linear Scale. It has been demonstrated in the article above.

Can floating point numbers be used in Linear Scale questions in Google Forms?

No. Only integers can be used in the Linear Scale question type. Floating point numbers cannot be used for the purpose.


In this article, we discussed different scenarios to use Linear Scale in Google Forms. We usually use Linear Scale question type to take ratings from users.

In this article, we mainly discussed the following:

  • Create a Google Form
  • Make a Linear Scale for Product Satisfaction in Google Forms
  • Add picture in Linear Scale in Google Form
  • Preview the Linear Scale in Google Form
  • Linear Scale as Math Quiz in Google Form
  • Using Linear Scale in Medical Scenario in Google Form

Thanks for reading!

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Widad Khan

Hi, I am Widad Khan. I was born and raised in Pakistan. I have always loved the field of Computer Sciences and since I was a kid, I would say I wanna grow up to be a scientist, now this term is mostly related to "Computer Scientist" and not scientist alone. I am pursuing my Bachelor Degree in Computer Sciences from GCU, Lahore. I have always loved keeping records of different types of data. Earlier, I would use MS Excel for that. But with the advancements in Google Sheets, my work has become much easier. And also it's very easy to share and coordinate data with fellows and coordinates.
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