
How to use DIVIDE Function in Google Sheets [User Guide]

To use the DIVIDE Function in Google Sheets =DIVIDE(number1, number2). Here, number1 can be any number or cell reference, and number2 can ...

How to use IFS Function in Google Sheets (With Examples)

To use the IFS Function in Google Sheets Prepare your sample data with students' names and marks. Create a table for grading criteria ...

How to use FORECAST Function in Google Sheets (Best Guide)

To use the FORECAST Function in Google Sheets Prepare Your Data. Choose the Unknown Value. Write the Formula. ...

How to use NOT Function in Google Sheets [With Examples]

To use the NOT Function in Google Sheets Basic Usage of NOT Function: The syntax of the NOT function is simple: =NOT(logical_expression), ...

How to Use Filter Function in Google Sheets [5 Examples]

To Use Filter Function in Google Sheets Using a Single Condition: Select a sample dataset. In a cell, start the formula with =FILTER( ...

How to use Google Translate Function in Google Sheets (Complete Guide)

To use the Google Translate Function in Google Sheets Write the GOOGLETRANSLATE function. Within double quotes, enter your sentence in ...

How to use SORTN Function in Google Sheets [Top Guide]

To use the SORTN Function in Google Sheets Use SORTN without optional arguments to sort and return the first nth row. Specify the number ...

How to Use QUERY Function in Google Sheets [User Guide]

To Use QUERY Function in Google Sheets Key Clauses: It supports clauses like SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, PIVOT, LIMIT, and more. ...

How to Use HLOOKUP Function in Google Sheets [User Guide]

To Use the HLOOKUP Function in Google Sheets Select an empty cell. Use =HLOOKUP(search-key, range, index, False). Replace "search-key" ...

How to Use IFNA Function in Google Sheets (User Guide)

To Use IFNA Function in Google Sheets Use =IFNA(value, "Custom text"). Replace "value" with the function or value you want to check for ...

How to Use Transpose Function In Google Sheets (Easy Guide)

To Use Transpose Function In Google Sheets To transpose a dataset, you start by selecting a sample data set. In any other cell, you begin ...

How to Use IMPORTRANGE Function in Google Sheets (Complete Guide)

To Use the IMPORTRANGE Function in Google Sheets Select the cell for your imported data. Enter "=IMPORTRANGE" and include the source ...

How to Use Google Finance Function in Google Sheets (Beginner’s Guide)

To Use Google Finance Function in Google Sheets Open your Google Sheets document. In a cell, enter the Google Finance Function with the ...

How to Use VLOOKUP in Google Sheets (User Guide)

To Use VLOOKUP in Google Sheets The best way to Use VLOOKUP Function in Google Sheets: To master VLOOKUP, you need to understand its formula, ...

How to Find Slope on Google Sheets [3 Methods]

To Find Slope on Google Sheets Enter your numerical data. Select a cell where you want to display the slope. Use the formula ...
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